Monday, April 25, 2011

Craft 2.0 and learning curves

I'd love to say that Craft 2.0 was a huge success for us in terms of gathering donations. While we didn't collect any goodies, we did meet some wonderful people who are keen to be involved with the project.

Heather and I both learnt just how much time and energy is required to prepare for being at an event like this and that good signage is vital! We had a cute posi, off the beaten track a little in a meeting room. But while our box isn't any fuller, it was a great opportunity to get some crafting done and catch up with friends.

The applique I worked on while at Craft 2.0

Craft Hope Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a timeThere was a lovely woman who told me this project was a lot like Craft Hope and it was somewhat humbling to be told how neat it was to meet 'the woman behind this project'! There are loads of opportunities to craft for charity, so maybe in the future I'll be able to contribute more.

Not the outcome we had hoped for, but definately plenty of things to smile about! Big thanks to Sue from Craft 2.0 for supporting us and giving us the opportunity. From the bustle about the place, the fair looked like a huge success!

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